ICAP engages in a cooperative effort with its members and agents to identify and meet the coverage and service needs of each member.  Through individual consultation and on-site evaluations with key ICAP representatives, including the claims and loss control managers, we help members meet their unique risk management goals.

Our Risk Management Planning meetings are directed by the member’s specific needs and feature strategic planning initiatives, including comprehensive reviews of:

  • deductible options and their cost-saving benefits;
  • property and Statement of Values (SOV); 
  • coverage options available to members; and
  • plans for full risk management.

Through these meetings and reviews, ICAP representatives, the member and agent work together to develop a comprehensive plan for full risk management.

Such planning is conducted as requested and can be arranged at any time through scheduling with Kasi Koehler, Marketing Manager, either by emailing kasi@icapiowa.com or by completing the form below.