Managing Crowds/Conflict at Protests and Political Events

Training for Law Enforcement on April 8

In a year that is likely to be filled with political protests, public demonstrations and related events, it is important police understand, protect and respect protesters’ First Amendment rights while also preserving public safety.

During this one-hour session, Kevin Techau, former US Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa, will overview the constitutional right to peacefully assemble and protest. He will offer law enforcement guidance on coordination/consultation with local officials and cooperating agencies and recommendations to ensure response to mass demonstrations/political protests/marches is proportionate to the exposure. He will also provide instances of “situations gone wrong” and alternative response/strategies that could have minimized liability for handling officers/agencies. Specific attention will be given to:

  • Command structure

  • Expectations for officers

  • Policy/reporting protocols for instances involving officer response/use of force

  • Protection of First Amendment rights as relates to situations involving escalation and/or the need for arrest

  • “No sides” perspective (i.e. non-endorsement of a political party and/or “no taking sides”)

  • Situations leading to claims/liability for responding officers/agencies

Join Kevin via Zoom from 1:30-2:30 PM on Tuesday, April 8 to learn more.